Monday, 28 July 2008

The Blog-scers


Award time :-)

The first came from Ronda. Ronda appeared on my blog as a commenter, and I am always glad to see her. She's very supportive, friendly and ALWAYS ALWAYS has an encouraging and kind word to say. She also has rather a nice blog and is a book freak like me.

Once an award is received, the rules are as follows:

1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.

My nominees for this award are (opens envelope....pause...looks around, milking photo opportunity...

Bobby - Bobby writes a fantastic blog, and it always strikes a chord with we have a secret mindreader amongst us??!! She is also one of my first 'contacts' in the big new bloggy world (new to me) and was very welcoming.

Keep - Keep is a fellow Brit, and I have 'known' her for a long time. Keep is a tremendous girl, with a superb strength of character and a gentle, self-mocking view on life.

Michelle - Michelle writes the irreverent blogs I used to write on Yahoo (only mine weren't as good) and used to get myself sent into 'she-who-dares-to-whinge-after-infertility-exclusion-zone'. Well, bugger that, keep on rocking, Michelle. Still love your fave swearword.

Dee -Simply for being her, and for seeming so positive, loving and giving. You're in my prayers, Dee, for your dream.

Keri - She's an expatriot from over here, is now Down Under and is as mad as a box of frogs. And I like that.

Kim - Kim's blog is fab. I really feel I am there when I read her posts. Check out the 'poo in the garden' entry. Make sure you have your Depends.

Antigone - What a wonderful writer she is. She's going through a hard time, and also a good time. Pop along and say hello.

The second (I will be going all Gwyneth Paltrow in a second!) was from Dee. Dee and I met through my blog wanderings and I am very glad I found her. Her blog is from the heart, and you can really tell she's a 'thinker'. She comes across as very thoughful and I am sure she touches a lot of people's hearts.

Instructions on how to pass this along.

1. on your blog, copy and paste the award, these rules, a link back to the person who selected you, and a link to this post: "Pink is my favorite color...". There's a story of Pink Rose Award and other graphic to choose from.
2. Select as many award recipents as you would like, link to their blogsg(if they have one), and explain why you have chose them.
3. Let them know that you have selected them for an award by commenting on one of their posts.
4. If you are selected, pass it on by giving the Pink Rose Award to others.
5. If you find that someone you want to nominate has already been selected by someone else, you can still honor them by posting a comment on their award post stating your reasons for wishing to grant them the award.
6. You do not have to wait until someone nominates you to nominate someone else.

My nominations here are as follows:

Linds - Everything about Linds is beautiful - her mind, her family, her generosity of spirit, her open, honest nature and her fab blog. She was the person who introduced me to Blgospot, and she has been a friend for many years now.

Ronda - She is quite simply, LOVELY. I love her blog and love her mind!

RM - RM reminds me of myself when pregnant with Alice. RM has to do the hideous lovenox/clexane injections too, the same as I did. She writes a lovely blog and I feel like she's carrying us through her days with her.

Sam - Sam wrote a blog entry about friendship troubles just at the very moment when I was struggling with accepting the end of a friendship. I could relate to everything she wrote, and now both she and I have moved on from that point, but her blog still sucks me in!

Maritza - a very funny and clearly VERY intelligent lady. Her blog is a whole magazine and always very honest.

So, there you have it. Please, please go visit these girls, there's some fantastic reading out there, and some wonderful people to know.

OK, serious bit over. I just watched the cat fall off the sofa.


Tash said...

Wow, how lovely to receive and spread a bit of bloggie goodness! Doesn't it warm the heart!?

Loved the cat comic moment at the end!!!

Returning your ICLW comment - didn't you feel all cold and clammy with the wet towel over you!?!?

Anonymous said...

Oh Nic, thank you thank you!! This is the best!!

Ronda's Rants said...

Nic,Bless you for the nomination and your very kind words on my blog...the day is ending much nicer and Granny had a better day.

Anonymous said...

Tee hee, my first (and probably only) blog award and it means the world to me. Thanks so much! Here's an internet (((HUG))))! You are awesome!

Keri said...

Mad as a box of Frogs?

Oh, okay. You're probably right.

Thanks Nic!

Michelle W said...

Awwww Thank you! I am rockin' this awards thing. LOL

I can't wait to spread the love.

I'd better see your confession next week for My Confession Monday!

Dee.. said...

Sorry, I was so busy last week and recuperating about the stressful meeting at bangkok. I couldn't leave a comment. :-) thanks for the awards to me and passing it on. You are good.